Overview of asset naming in Calgary

How are public assets named in Calgary?

Public assets in Calgary are named based on criteria such as geographical features, historical, cultural and heritage significance, as well as the commemoration of individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions. Roadways may be numbered or named using standard naming criteria, words derived from the community name, or theme-based naming. All asset names must adhere to the naming principles outlined in the Naming of City Assets Policy and be distinct, inclusive, enduring and preferably of local significance.

Who makes the final decision on naming?

The naming of the majority of assets is approved by Council. In 2024, the updated Naming of City Assets Policy introduced a new naming stream for smaller community assets, called minor assets, whose naming can be approved by the Asset Stewards’ teams within Administration.

Proposals and public involvement

Can anyone suggest a name for a public asset?

Yes, anyone can submit a naming proposal. However, naming is a significant undertaking that requires a strong commitment from the applicant. The applicant is responsible for providing background information, obtaining naming consent from the family if the proposal is in recognition of a person and providing evidence of support for the proposal. This will require interactions with the Ward Councillor, community organizations and Calgarians.

What do I have to do if I want to submit a naming proposal?

Click here to learn how to submit a naming or renaming application for a City asset.

Is there any public consultation or involvement in naming decisions?

Public engagement is required for naming a City asset (excluding the naming of new communities and roadways, which is part of the planning process). The public engagement requirements vary based on the significance of the asset being named. A summary of these requirements is provided in the Policy Steward’s FAQ – Public Engagement Requirements

Asset availability and renaming

Is there a list of all assets available for naming?

The City doesn’t maintain a list of all assets available for naming. Naming opportunities typically arise organically and are often driven by specific community suggestions or when new assets are created. If you have an asset in mind that you are interested in naming, please email the Policy Steward's team and we will check if the asset already has a name and if there are any reasons why it can’t be named.

This investigative process ensures that naming aligns with City policies and the unique context of each asset. If you’re unsure where to start or have questions, feel free to contact us at naming@calgary.ca and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Can existing asset names be changed?

Yes, The City’s Naming of City Assets Policy allows for the renaming of assets. 

If you have concerns about an existing name, you can initiate the renaming process, which follows a two-step process: First, the concerns are reviewed and City Council decides whether the name should be removed. Then, a new name is chosen through the naming process.

If there is no issue with the current name, the renaming will follow the regular naming process (one report to City Council, rather than two).

Special categories of naming

What are pre-approved street names?

Calgary streets are generally named by developers when new communities are being developed. Occasionally, an application for naming a specific street will go to Council for approval, resulting in a newly named street. More often, however, developers submit a list of street names to Council for pre-approval. These names are then designated to specific streets, along with the appropriate roadway types, through assignment by Administration at a later time when the community is being built.

What is secondary roadway naming and when is it allowed?

Some streets in Calgary have two names – a primary street name and a secondary street name displayed on the street signs. Previously approved secondary names were generally historical; however, some are commemorative in nature. New secondary roadway names are now limited to historical street names only.

What assets are minor assets? How are they different from other assets?

A new class of minor assets (smaller community assets impacting one community or a fraction of a community) was introduced in 2024 with the updated Naming of City Assets Policy. Public engagement requirements for these smaller assets are adjusted to match their scale. The naming of these assets is also approved at a lower level, by Administration rather than Council. For additional information, please refer to the Policy Steward’s FAQ – Naming of Minor Assets

Commercial naming

Can a name be commercialized or used for branding purposes?

The City allows naming sponsorship arrangements with corporations. These arrangements are regulated by the The City of Calgary's Sponsorship of City Assets Policy. Explore The City’s sponsorship portal to learn more about the naming of City assets as part of sponsorship arrangements.
