Noise and vibration
Anchor drilling machine at 78 Avenue S.E. in Ogden.
Impacts from noise and vibration
Mitigating the impacts from noise and vibration produced during construction and ongoing operations of the LRT Line is a key focus for Green Line.
Disturbances created during construction by heavy machinery, power tools and generators used on large infrastructure projects can impact workers, local businesses and communities and the environment, and are proactively addressed.
Potential noise and vibration impacts from construction activities on the community will be anticipated and appropriate mitigations measures will be deployed to target compliance with the applicable criteria.
Mitigation measures typically include:
- Temporary noise barriers and enclosures.
- Use of broadband reversing alarms.
- Selection of low impact construction techniques and machinery.
- Careful management and organization of site works.
Noise and vibration monitoring will be undertaken to assess construction works against the applicable limits in real-time and corrective actions will be implemented where exceedances are detected.
The LRT line, including its stations, maintenance and storage facility and all ancillary equipment will be designed so ongoing operations comply with relevant City noise bylaws and policies as well as reference guidelines on noise and vibration impacts from LRT systems.
Noise and vibration controls will be integrated in the LRT line along the entire project footprint.