Water stewardship
Green Line is committed to water stewardship during construction and when the LRT system is operational.
Reducing non-essential water use
Green Line, like all City departments and business units, is working to address the impacts of long-term water scarcity in southern Alberta by reducing non-essential water use and adjust the timing or methods of usage.
Opportunities that Green Line has to reduce water use during construction may include:
- Truck tire wash: Alternatives controls reduces water use by 50 per cent.
- Dust suppression: Alternatives such as dry agents reduce water use by 50 per cent.
- Concrete curing: Alternative controls for curing reduces water use by 50 per cent.
- Dewatering reuse: Reuse or recycling 40 per cent of dewatering volumes.
- High-efficiency fixtures: 40 per cent reduction in water use in construction trailers.
Stormwater harvesting and storage
To reduce use of the City’s water supply, Green Line will have several dry storm ponds and outlet control structures to manage off-site water flow. Underground storage tanks (each with a capacity of about 1,000 cubic metres) will be connected to roof drainage collection at key facilities and the water used in wash bays or site irrigation.
Water use during future LRT operations
Green Line is also proactively designing for low water use during future LRT operation:
- Rainwater harvesting and recycling: Use of rainwater for train washing and recycling of 70 per cent of washwater.
- Drought resistant landscaping: Selection of local drought-tolerant plants which do not require irrigation.
- High-efficiency fixtures: 40 per cent reduction in water use in stations.