78 Avenue Project
A bridge structure and vehicle tunnel was built to extend 78 Avenue S.E. east, under the CPKC rail tracks.
The 78 Avenue project in Ogden is a large-scale early works project that began in July 2023 and is expected to be complete in summer 2025.
The overall scope of work includes constructing a pedestrian tunnel at 72 Avenue S.E. and a vehicle underpass at 78 Avenue S.E., as well as upgrading a portion of 78 Avenue from Ogden Road east to the Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) rail line embankment. On the east side of that embankment is an industrial area, with a portion closest to the embankment set to become a new roundabout. This roundabout will connect to the new 78 Avenue S.E. underpass and will be the new entrance into the industrial area, which includes several facilities and the CPKC main campus. Calgary-based company, Graham Construction, was selected to build this project.
As an early works project, this work enhances transportation safety in the vicinity and manages project timelines and risks for future Green Line construction, allowing it to be completed more efficiently.
The Green Line alignment will run parallel and west of the current CPKC rail line in Ogden, with its own bridge (being built in 2025) to cross 78 Avenue S.E. The Ogden Station will be located near 72 Avenue S.E.

Start Date: July 2023
Completion Date: Summer 2025
Construction partner

Design partner

Construction details
Diversion embankments for CPKC tracks
- Two new embankments were built on the west side of the existing Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) tracks. One embankment was built at 72 Avenue S.E. and a second embankment was built at 78 Avenue S.E. The embankments are to temporarily move CPKC rail tracks during construction of the tunnels.
- A retaining wall was built along a portion of the alleyway near 76 Avenue and 27 Street S.E. to maintain alleyway access and City services.
Secant pile walls
- Secant pile walls were installed into the embankments (at 78 Avenue and 72 Avenue S.E.).
- A secant pile wall is comprised of intersecting and reinforced concrete columns (piles).
- The walls greatly increase the structural integrity of the embankments and allow excavation of the tunnels to occur.
- Tiebacks were installed horizontally along the secant pile walls to reinforce them before excavation to build the tunnels.
- The CPKC tracks have been moved from the temporary diversion tracks back to their original position.
78 Avenue area
- A bridge structure and vehicle tunnel have been constructed to extend 78 Avenue S.E. east, under the CPKC rail tracks.

East side of CPKC rail tracks
- 78 Avenue S.E. connects to a roundabout built on the east side of the tunnel. This roundabout allows trucks travelling on Ogden Dale Road S.E. to remain on designated truck routes without entering the community.

West side of CPKC rail tracks
- 78 Avenue S.E., between Ogden Road S.E. and the future roundabout east of the tunnel, is upgraded to include a multi-use pathway and two-way vehicle movement, with a third left-turn lane as the roadway approaches Ogden Road.
- Other work included installation and upgrades of stormwater infrastructure and other utility installations, including a manhole at Ogden Road and 78 Avenue S.E., and landscaping and sidewalk improvements.
- Once the tunnel is open, 78 Avenue S.E. will become an access road between Ogden and the industrial area east of the CPKC rail tracks.
- 78 Avenue S.E. will not be designated as a truck route.
72 Avenue area
- A pedestrian tunnel near 72 Avenue S.E. has been built to connect the future Ogden Station to Ogden Dale Road S.E.
- This tunnel will remain closed until the Ogden station opens.
- The tunnel is currently fenced for safety considerations.
69 Avenue
- Once construction at 78 Avenue S.E. is complete and open to traffic, 69 Avenue S.E. at the CPKC tracks will be closed permanently.
- 78 Avenue S.E. will become the new connection between Ogden Road and Ogden Dale Road S.E.
What to expect
The 78 Avenue Project is a significant undertaking and will have multiple impacts in the community:
- Construction materials will be stockpiled in select areas within the community.
- Due to winter weather conditions, irregular work hours may be required. When possible, advance notification will be provided.
- There will be an increase in heavy trucks in the community travelling to and from the construction site.
- Construction can be noisy, and vibrations may be felt by those nearby during work hours.
- While mitigations will be in place, there may be dust, soil, and debris in the area.
View the presentation boards from the April 2024 public information session to see how Green Line is managing the impacts of construction in the community. Visit the Construction Impacts & Notices page for up-to-date construction notices.

78 Avenue construction photos

Safety considerations
Safety is our top priority. Green Line is working closely with the community in Ogden to ensure a safe construction site for the residents and construction workers. In response to previous community engagement, the following will be put in place:
- Work will abide by the City of Calgary’s Community Standards Bylaw.
- Construction sites will be fenced.
- The playground at 78 Avenue and 26a Street S.E. is fenced along 78 Avenue S.E.
- Pedestrian detours to be in effect where required.
- Parking removed from streets identified as access routes for site.
- Reduced speed on all roadways used to access construction sites.
- When required, flaggers will be present near construction sites.
- Truck driver safety orientation.
Further safety precautions will be introduced as required. View the presentation boards from the April 2024 public information session to see the complete list of safety precautions in place.
Supporting businesses in the area
While Green Line is working in Ogden, we encourage our staff and partners to support local businesses and organizations in the community. We made this local business guide for our staff, but we also wanted to share it with the public. We hope you will enjoy checking out and supporting these local businesses and organizations, too.
Presentation materials
Public information session
Green Line hosted a public information session in April 2024 and two public information sessions in June 2023 to inform residents about the project. Download the presentation materials here:
April 2024
June 2023
Presentation materials from the Millican Ogden Community Association General Meeting (November 2023)
- Green Line shared details about the next phase of this project and what the community can expect. Download the presentation materials here:
- 78 Avenue Project – Seasonal Update Nov. 2023