Community safety & wellbeing indicator report
We are tracking our progress towards creating a Calgary where everyone feels safe, connected, supported, and that they belong.
Below are a selection of measures we are tracking. A report of these measures is produced each month for City Council and senior Administration. This helps us know what we are doing well and where added focus is needed.
Tracked measures
Transit social disturbances
This measure tracks social disturbances, including verbal fighting, screaming, insulting people or using obscene language. The data includes calls from the public and Transit Public Safety & Enforcement officers City-wide.
Calls for downtown safety response
This measure tracks the number of responses required for incidents including illegal activity, social disorder, medical or mental health response and public safety. Data includes calls responded to, in downtown, by City peace officers, security guards and community partners.
Calgary Fire overdose response
The Calgary Fire Department supports Alberta Health Services (AHS) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) by co-responding to life-threatening medical emergencies like drug poisonings. This measure shows the City-wide data for the Calgary Fire Department overdose response.
Top calls to the Distress Centre
This measure shows the top request categories of callers who contact the Calgary Distress Centre for referrals to services. Callers are commonly connected to resources for housing/shelter, financial assistance, and food.
City partner spotlight
The City invests in partner organizations that invest in people. People's well-being, or lack thereof, can often be part of the root cause of social disorder. Investing directly in people’s lives can make a difference. This section highlights some of that work.